Introducing Argo

Introducing Argo

March 16, 2023 at 4:00 PM

A C++ game engine

What is Argo?

Argo is a personal project of mine, that started out of a growing interest to learn game development. I wanted to not only understand the current state of game development but a lot of the reasons behind decisions other engines such as Unity, Unreal, or Godot have made.

This desire to understand the full process has lead me to attempting to learn how to go about building my own game engine and it’s component systems.

Why another game engine?

While there are many different game engines out there for any type of project a creator could imagine, I personally felt that to really understand all the core bits and what was really necessary from a game engine that I needed to build my my own.

What is the current status of Argo?

Currently, Argo is in the design and early implementation stages. This means that while I have begun work on some initial systems there is not much to show yet beyond some simple drawing and texturing of shapes.

What is coming next?

My current plan is to build out the component systems needed to build the first demos of the engine working. These first demos will include a simple game loop, input handling, and the ability to draw and change sprites.

There will also be some internal tools such as logging and error handlers as well as scripts for building and packaging demos, and running automated test suites.

Follow along with my progress at